Life can get on top of us in a flash! Here are a few tips to help you on your journey to peace! That’s what we’re all here for right?
A great place to start is to write. Art journals are becoming very popular at the moment, they’re a place to capture your thoughts and do a bit of doodling on the page at the same time. An easy flow is what you’re after, just let the words pour out. It’s amazing how a simple technique like this can bring so much clarity to you.
“I think I saw you from a distance on Tuesday morning. I was going to run after you and tell you how amazing you are and how much my life has changed since seeing you, but you were too far away. I feel so much inner peace and joy in my life now.” L.B.
Try writing a letter to them and then, at the end of the process burn it (in a safe place of course!). Start by putting everything that annoys you about them on paper and then add to it over the coming week. When you’ve got everything out that you can then that’s the time to burn it. This is a great letting go technique.
“Thank you for the wonderful gift of a healing last week. It was just what I needed and the timing was spot on. I have felt a shift within myself and it’s given me a kick-start again.” S.C
Your body is actually trying to tell you what’s wrong - eg. if it’s your shoulders you’re probably carrying too much. If it’s your back this represents the support you feel in life - lower back pain is associated with money, middle back is associated with old guilt and the list goes on. Clear the issue/trauma and the aching quite often disappears.
“I found one thing of particular interest; I had noticed last week (before the healing) how uncomfortable I was in my mouth, with my teeth. I had some dental work done on some teeth on the right hand side last month to resolve some issues that began about twenty years ago. Yesterday (after the healing) my mouth was normal again. Of course, the most emotional part of my healing was when you were working on the right hand side of my jaw.” J.M.
Try reading Eckhart Tolle’s book ‘The Power of Now’ it talks about living in the present moment which means that worry, overthinking, anxiety and all that head space stuff doesn’t seem important any more. Mark Twain says “Worrying is like paying a debt you don’t owe.”
“Such a lot has changed. My trauma is definitely moving and I’m noticing that I am safer in my identity. I’m also recognising what is good for me and what isn’t. Small steps make great change. Thank you Hayley. Your support and affirmation is really really pivotal to me. Please be assured that you are on the right path as you guide others onto their own. “ D.C.
There are so many techniques, tips and tricks to help you to gain a more peaceful, fulfilling life. Everyone is different and some ways will work for one person and not another – that’s why there’s so many of them!
Try a healing session with me. I work within your energy field to release the blocks, the heaviness, trauma and any issues that might be holding you back. I love it, it’s fun and I love seeing the results!
It’s incredible how we live by the patterns of our past, thinking we have free will when these patterns always dictate the outcome!
Patterns are EverywhereI went to see Hayley about a topic close to my heart, I wanted to know all about my love life - or lack thereof. As a 34 year who hasn’t been in a ‘real’ committed relationship for over 10 years ...
“Why am I single?”A story from a family reunited. "Mum asked me to contact you to let you know how truly grateful she is..."
Connecting families – past and presentInternal Solutions Ltd - Trading as Hayley Lowe - Modern Day Mystic
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