Four years ago, when Hayley sold her design business and started working fulltime as an intuitive I sceptically went along to see what it was all about and was floored by her abilities. I wrote a piece about my experience as a sceptic, converted, and now, here I am learning the very skills of intuition she uses each day.
Hayley’s online Beginners Spiritual Development is a course I had been wanting to do for a while to be honest. I love the idea of being online rather than a physical workshop, I have always been spiritual and had the curiosity, BUT fear of the unknown, money, time, and the subconscious dis-allowance of something ‘just for me’ had previously held me back.
But as is often the case, things come along when you need them the most.
The course started when I was desperately trying to catch up on work after being caught up in a family crisis the previous two weeks. I was anxious before but as soon as it began I was into it.
We are just a small group, which suits me well. And before our first Monday call we were given access to the week one course material. I stayed up late on the Sunday night and binged Hayley’s tutorial videos like a netflix series and had So. Much. Fun... just playing with the idea that - hey - apparently we all have this intuition thing somewhere.
In week one we introduced ourselves on the private message board - great to be figuring this out alongside like-minded people. We learnt about the importance of keeping a journal and were told how to set up spiritual protection so none of that spooky dark energy comes through.
Hayley then talked us through meditation to meet our guides, which was illuminating to say the least!
Turns out there are 5 clairs...clairvoyance (where you see messages), clear audience (where you hear messages) and claircognizance - where you just know. Along with a bunch of other ‘clairs’ that cover all the senses...emotional feeling, physical feeling, touching, tasting and smelling. And each of us has a dominant trait or traits and that is how spirit connects with us.
Turns out I am clairvoyant.
There is a sentence I never thought I would write - but there you go! A giveaway was that I dream in colour and sometimes observe my dreams. Apparently not everyone does this?
In my first guided meditation I met one of my guides, like plain as day, she is a tiny old french woman with long white hair. It was a trippy experience and I asked Hayley if this was my imagination getting away on me. She asked if the detail I saw was something I would usually make up and when I said ‘ah no’, she said that is the test.
Trusting what you get is a big thing here and just diving into it and giving it a go. What have I got to lose I keep telling myself.
On the call, Hayley led us through another meditation and this time I met my other guide - a tall slender caucasion man in his thirties who wears modern clothes and kind of just looks like someone you would see everyday. Not what I thought a guide would look like!!
I can’t hear anything in these interactions so they seem to communicate by showing me things, drawing on a window or hand gestures. It is all very strange and has taken some getting used to! But it is a great feeling, to know that you may just have something inside that you can lean on for guidance.
Week 2 was all about cards and Hayley taught us how to tune into our guides before turning a card over. I have never worked with cards before and I still do not understand how it works but it is uncanny how the messages the group and I bring through seem to be mirrored on the images and text we turn over.
We then got to ask a question in the group message board that we would like answered and each of us would ‘read’ each other by the following week. It felt like a really safe way to practice and to be able to work with it at my own pace throughout the week was awesome.
This week we played with pendulums (where you can ask yes and no questions) and psychometry - where you ‘read’ an object. The object was an old clock which I got some very specific images on...we get to find out on our call tomorrow, whether we are en pointe or not with our messages.
We shall see!
I will pop back in the next issue of the guide to update you on my experience of the second half of the course. So far - mind, blown!
The next Beginner’s Spiritual Development intake starts May 5. Reserve your spot for May and future courses here.
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What’s holding you back?Internal Solutions Ltd - Trading as Hayley Lowe - Modern Day Mystic
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